Batı Trakya

Political Representation

The 3% barrier for the independent candidates in MP elections.

The election law that has gone into effect in 1992 has brought the criteria of 3% of votes from all around Greece for a political party to come in to the parliament. These 3% criteria is valid for the independent candidates that are running for elections for themselves also. But previously "the election limit" (=Voters number divided by seat number) was adequate for an independent candidate to be elected from his province. As the number of Greek parliament's seats are 300 "the election limit" was one 1/300 votes of the population. With a new law this rate has increased to 3/100. This measures has prevented any independent candidate to be elected as a MP. For example a candidate of a province with 8 seats may have taken 100% of the votes but still he would not be elected.

It has been confessed publicly that this antidemocratic and unfair measures regarding the independent MP candidates have been taken just only to prevent the election of an independent MP from minority.

New discriminations in Local Administrations 

There is a new reform regarding the local administrations in Greece that is not well defined yet. The aim of the "Kapodistria Plan" as it is named, is to unify small communities and to create municipalities from these unification.

These new rearrangements will become new reason for separations against Minority. 

The Minority population density is near to 40% at Xanthi and 50% at Komotini (Rodopi). At the third province of Evros the density is around 7%. According to the plans that have come to lights (but haven't defined yet) there will be 10 municipalities created both in Xanthi and in Rodopi provinces. And the plan has designed in a such way that there will be only 2 Minority mayors elected from each province where the rest 8 will be majority mayors.