Batı Trakya


Stylianidis emphasised the importance of protecting human rights in the age of artificial intelligence


ABTTF President: “Stylianidis, the MP from our region, who has expressed his sensitivity on this issue in the relevant committee of PACE, refrains from showing the same sensitivity before PACE when it comes to our community whose freedom of association has been violated for more than 16 years, and as a jurist, he does not intervene against the deliberate politicisation of this completely legal issue in our country for years.”

New Democracy Party (ND) Rodopi MP Evripidis Stylianidis spoke at a meeting of the Sub-Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), where he is a member, and explained the opportunities and risks brought by the application of artificial intelligence. 

Stylianidis drew attention to the need for the protection of human rights, the establishment of international standards of ethical practice to be applied at the global level and the protection of the sovereignty of the human factor in the functioning of parliaments, noting that in order to protect human-centred democracy, it is necessary for the 46 Member States of the Council of Europe and other states that wish to do so to sign an international treaty that will set the rules for the use of artificial intelligence to effectively protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law. 

‘‘The opportunities and risks brought by artificial intelligence, which is now a part of our lives, has become one of the primary areas of work of international organisations as it is linked to the protection of democracy and universal human rights. Stylianidis, the MP of our region, who has expressed his sensitivity on this issue in the relevant committee of PACE, refrains from showing the same sensitivity before PACE when it comes to our community, whose freedom of association has been violated for more than 16 years, and as a jurist, he does not intervene against the deliberate politicisation of this completely legal issue in our country for years. This attitude of Stylianidis is actually a summary of the distorted understanding and ambivalent attitude towards democracy and the rule of law in our country. Stylianidis could start by taking steps, both at PACE and at the national level, to ensure that human rights and fundamental freedoms are implemented for all without discrimination. Only then can we believe that he is sincere in his rhetoric’’, said Halit Habip Oğlu, President of the Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF).

*Image: www.anadoluimages.com